Thursday, January 12, 2012

Helpful Links: Anthology, 750 Words, Conference Scholarships

Happy Thursday! We've almost made it to the weekend.

Before I get to today's links, be sure to return tomorrow for an insightful guest post from author, Ian T. Healy, who is both self-published and traditionally published. He is a prolific writer, and one that keeps me motivated when he posts his writing progress on Facebook. For those torn on self-publishing versus traditional publishing, he tells you why both are equally acceptable.

Also, if you haven't stopped by the official A-to-Z blog for information on the video challenge leading up to it, check it out! Not my bag, baby, but it might be yours. And I'm very excited about watching the video entries.

Moving on to some news from the Pikes Peak Writer's Conference, which, by the way, I can officially declare I'm staff at! There are some truly exciting things coming up for this, the 20th Pikes Peak Writer's Conference. I can't wait until I can share it all with you and get you as excited as I am.

There are scholarships available for those that might wish to come, but cannot afford it. You can click here to apply. You can also donate if you do have the means and want to help a struggling writer along. A note: do not register until you've heard the results of the scholarship (if you apply, obviously). If you have the means to pay while waiting, you will likely be disqualified, as others won't have even that option.

Speaking of donations and scholarships, Pikes Peak Writer's has paired with Courtney Literary to create their first ever anthology. They are now open for submissions. This will not be a paid anthology; rather, any money brought in will go toward PPWCon scholarships. The theme is "Moving Mountains," 1000-5000 words accepted, all genres, but no poetry. Check out for more information, or email

Lastly, I heard about a website called 750 Words over at Annalise Green's blog. You can sign up at the website, then write each day (750 words, duh). You get points for your participation. I haven't signed up yet, but am considering it. Anything to get my mojo marching forward at a more acceptable pace.

Image courtesy of OCAL at

Now that I've passed those along, does anyone know of a free trustworthy downloadable software that will make typewriter sounds while you're typing? Weird question, I know, but I had that with a piece of software from Stephen King about a decade ago (when he pioneered purchasing and reading a book, all online...) and I'm looking for a fun little change-up. Also, I love the sound of a typewriter when I'm writing. Seriously. I might get sick of it, but I'd like to give it a try. I stupidly got rid of my typewriter a few years ago. Sigh.

Any other helpful links to pass along?

May you find your Muse.

P.S. Stephen King may not have pioneered it, but he was the first fiction writer I'd heard of to try it. I need to look up which one it was. "Riding the Bullet," or something like that? It was about a decade ago, because I remember the four-plex I lived in at the time, and staying up late on my computer after work to read it. Love him or hate him, he has progressed the writing world in many adventurous new ways over the years. Gotta' give him props for that!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations on the involvement with Pikes Peak Writer's Conference!
And I just checked my iPad - there's an app called CTS MobileSoft Office! It's 99 cents and has many sounds including that of a typewriter.

Mark said...

Thanks for the info, I'll check it out! Always good to get good wishes when looking for the muse too:)

Susan Oloier said...

Thanks again for the additional info on Pikes Peak WC. Congrats on being a part of it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all the great links and info... if you ever find the software that makes the typing sound, I want to know:)

D.E. Malone said...

Pikes Peak Conference sounds wonderful! Wish I were a little closer. Congratulations for joining the staff!

Unknown said...

Lovely post :)...Wish you all the very best for the conference.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Alex, cool, will look it up! Thanks!

Mark, of course! Hope your muse keeps you in short stories.

Susan, thank you!

Tania, I will pass it along once I find what works!

Dawn, thank you!

Damyanti, thank you!