Wednesday, March 21, 2012

[Mostly] Wordless Wednesday: A to Z Video Challenge Winner & Helpful Links

For today's [Mostly] Wordless Wednesday, I'm doing something a bit different than usual and posting the winning video of the A-to-Z Video Challenge. Congratulations to Rachel Morgan!

You can find Rachel Morgan at her blog Rachel Morgan Writes, and check out the cover of her next book!

For the next two weeks, I will be trying out blogging only twice per week, Monday and Wednesday. I may tweak that after the A-to-Z Challenge, but we will see. For the time being, helpful links will be posted on Wednesdays with my [Mostly] Wordless Wednesday posts.

Mardibooks is running a writing competition that may lead to publication. However, there does appear to be a cost associated.

Wonderful Reads of the Month is looking for authors doing promotions in April. They will put you in their free magazine for FREE! Sounds like a good deal to me, so if you're promo'ing a book and offering a deal in April, let them know.

Daily Science Fiction is a paying market for sci-fi and fantasy, and they're also great if you enjoy reading sci-fi and fantasy. You can sign up to get a new story emailed to you each day...FREE! I heard about this on Christine Rains' blog.

Less than two weeks to the A-to-Z Challenge! We'd love to get to 1500 signups by April 1, so come along on this exciting journey with us!

Finally, don't forget the Flash Fiction Challenge I'm chairing. You can find information about it on the Flash Fiction tab, above. It's a fun theme: Are You Devious at Heart?

Anything to share? Have you tried writing flash fiction yet?

May you find your Muse.


Randy said...

Flash fiction is super hard for me. It requires a lot of writing discipline. My hat goes off to those who can write flash fiction well.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yeah for Rachel!
Not much for flash fiction, but I am following that site based on Christine's recommendation.

Arlee Bird said...

When I switched from daily blogging to 3 days per week I think it helped increase the number of visits and comments I got per post. I've been contemplating cutting back to a two day per week schedule after April.
I've done a few flash fiction pieces since I began blogging but not that many.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

M Pax said...

Rachel made a great video. Lots of great links.

Christine Rains said...

Thanks for the links and the shout out. :)

Unknown said...

Congrats to Rachel on the win!

I didn't realise that the challenge was so soon - it's snuck up on me! I better start scheduling posts!

Julie Jordan Scott said...

I am so happy to have found the A to Z Challenge again this year. I am looking so forward to participating!

I am also grateful to know their is an entire team to support participants....

THANK YOU for being one of them!

Shannon Lawrence said...

Randy, I've only just gotten into flash fiction, so the jury's still out here.

Alex, it's a really cool site!

Lee, I also feel like I can visit more people if I'm posting somewhat less often. You definitely have a mondo posting schedule, what with multiple sites.

M Pax, thanks! I agree that she made a great video.

Christine, I try to give credit where credit is due!

Jamie, April has completely snuck up on me, as well. Eek!

Julie, thank you for your kind words! I'm so glad you found us this year!

Sarah Tokeley said...

Off to check out Daily Science Fiction. Sounds just my cup of tea :-)

Susan Kane said...

What a kick! Loved it, Rachel.

I am working away on pre-posting for April. Being free to read other posts is important to me.

Writing flash fiction is very liberating somehow. Golden Eagle had an Evil Genius blogfest recently, which I approached like flash fiction. What a hoot!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Rachel! I may have to bookmark 'Rachel Morgan Writes' to check every day and see if she sticks with the letters from the video. :D

Ella said...

Congrats to Rachel~
How are you Sharon? Gearing up for the A-Z..I still haven't figured out my theme yet..?! lol

I haven't tried flash fiction, off to check out all the links!
Happy weekend to you n' yours!

Debra Harris-Johnson said...

You are really a busy Warrior Woman! I only post once a week and it gives me enough time to read and comment on blogs plus my own personal writing projects.
So A-Z is going to be a challenge but I do look forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Flash fiction is not always easy... I always struggle with a strong ending...:) Thanks for the great links. Congrats to Christine...she's awesome.

michelle said...

Congrats to Rachel!
I will be writing flash fiction for the A to Z challenge, in an attempt to exercise those flash fic writing muscles... I know it's not going to be a "walk in the park", but I'm giving it my best shot!

Shannon Lawrence said...

Sarah, I hope you enjoy it!

Susan, I was so sad to have happened across that too late to participate. What a fun idea!

Kel, me, too!

Ella, even if you don't figure out a theme, it's all good! I didn't have a theme last year.

Debra, I think you have the right idea!

Tania, I think with flash fiction I am more inclined to leave it sort of open ended when I end, whether that is right or not.

Michelle, I had considered doing that, but just wasn't brave enough this year, so good for you!