Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah - IWSG

The day isn't over yet, so I'm squeaking in my IWSG post. This would have been the first one I missed since I started doing it. YIKES!

Anywho, it's the first Wednesday of the month (I think it's Wednesday...), which means it's time for the Insecure Writer's Support Group, created by Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Anyone is welcome to join in. Simply click on Alex's name above and sign up then post on the first Wednesday of the month. You can avow your insecurities or give reassurances to others if you happen to be having a great month.

Our co-hosts this month are Nancy Gideon, Tamara Narayan, Liesbet @ Roaming About, Michelle Wallace, and Feather Stone! Stop by and say hi and thank you.

I'm just coming off a weekend at Pikes Peak Writers Conference, so I'm feeling exhausted, but not as insecure as I might otherwise be. I did a solo workshop on short stories there, plus a loosey-goosey panel on volunteering and a panel with some fellow short story authors, which was a lot of fun. I usually sneak a peek at the surveys people fill out at the end of my workshops to see what they had to say, but didn't get a chance, so now I'm floating in insecurity about whether my workshops were helpful, though I did get lots of positive feedback on the short story panel.

Speaking in front of people isn't something I come by naturally, so while I have more confidence in it than I used to, it's still stressful and causes plenty of insecurities. I hate to bore people. So hopefully I did okay.

Moving on to my stats for the month of April. It was a slow month, so my stats are sparse.

2 rejections
1 note sent out to everyone who had submitted that the editor needed a break, so it's not really a rejection. I've pulled it and will submit elsewhere.

That's it. Don't worry, it should pick up in the month of May.

In other news, I queried an agent at PPWC, and he asked me to send him the first three chapters. I'll be sending that out in the next week. Fingers crossed it goes somewhere!

Also, speaking of conferences, I found out this past week I've been accepted as faculty at Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Colorado Gold Conference in September. WOOT! It will be my first time there, and I'm looking forward to it.

Since I'm posting so late, I'm skipping the open submission links for this week, so I can get this post out there! As treasurer for Pikes Peak Writers (only for the next week, though!), my real work began the moment the conference ended, and I've spent several nights working until 4 AM, including the night of the conference. All this after being at the hotel from Wednesday forward working. I'm so tired, people! But I'm trying to get everything closed out so I can hand over a nice, pretty bundle to the new treasurer.

I'll try to do a summing up of the conference next week!

What are your insecurities? Are you comfortable speaking in front of people? How were your submissions this month?

May you find your Muse.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You made it!
That's cool you'll be a part of the conference in September.
You're never boring here, so I can't imagine you being boring in front of a group of writers.

The Cynical Sailor said...

Congrats on getting a request for a partial and well done on being part of conference faculty! Sounds like you've had a great month.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I'm sure all of your talks/panels went well - no worries. :)

Fingers crossed for the chapters you're sending to the agent!

Olga Godim said...

Shannon, you're a star. Good luck with that agent.

diedre Knight said...

Aw, boring is not a word I could possibly associate with you! Write, talk and blog on!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

If you know your material and you're excited about it, no way you can be boring.

M.J. Fifield said...

I am definitely not comfortable speaking in front of people. I've done a few author forums where I've had to do just that, with various degrees of success. Though everyone is usually very polite about it. :)

Best of luck with that agent!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shannon - well done ... it's always a challenge speaking and leading things - sounds like they all had good times with some great ideas. Cheers Hilary

Michelle Wallace said...

Congrats on the acceptance at Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Colorado Gold Conference in September. Awesome opportunity!
I'm sure you are fine in front of the crowd. Quite often, the fear is simply in our minds.

Tamara Narayan said...

No submissions this month, but I'm hoping to get my novel done in time to participate in the IWSG Twitter Pitch this July.

Congrats on all your success and I hope you get to catch up on your sleep soon.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm pretty comfortable speaking in front of people. 34 years being a high school teacher does that. I know how exhausting running a conference is. Ours is coming up in two weeks, but they're always so inspiring and everyone is so supportive of each other.

Susan Kane said...

Well done!!

I am really comfortable with speaking in public. Like Susan above, I taught elementary, wrote and performed in dramas at church, etc.

You will be magnificent.

Liesbet said...

To be on the speaking side of things instead of the listening side is such an accomplishment! The more you do it, the more confident you become, I'm sure.

While I think I would love to stand in front of people and share stories and experiences, I know I would be extremely nervous and go back and forth between wanting to plan and prepare well (to then not be able to remember it all) and winging it, counting on my spontaneity. On the other hand, I do like talking about our travels and showing photos in front of a crowd. :-)
Liesbet @ Roaming About – A Life Less Ordinary