Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Just the Links, Ma'am

Straight to the links today.

Accepting Submissions:

ChappyFiction is accepting submissions for a time travel anthology. Science fiction and fantasy. 7000 words or less. Pays $.06/word. Deadline January 1.

The 3288 Review is accepting submissions of any genre for their February issue. Fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, poetry, photography, visual arts, reviews. Pay is between $25 and $75. Deadline January 15.

Tree Lion Press is accepting submissions for a long-distance running anthology. Speculative fiction. 500-10,000 words. Pays $5 advance + royalties. Deadline January 15.

Rattle is accepting submissions for their summer issue, with the theme Los Angeles. Poetry and artwork. Pays $50 per poem. Deadline January 15.

Outlook Springs is accepting stories set in the quaint small town of Outlook Springs, which exists in an alternate dimension. Fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Up to 7500 words. Pays $10 to $25. Deadline January 15.

Liminal Stories is accepting submissions of stories that are strange and unsettling. Will consider any genre. Up to 10,000 words. Pays $.06/word. Deadline January 15.

The Sun is accepting fiction, essays, interviews, and poetry. Pays between $100 and $2000. Up to 7000 words.

The Lovecraft eZine is accepting submissions Lovecraftian and Cthulhu mythos fiction. Short stories, flash fiction, and poetry. Pays between $25 and $50.


Splice Today is holding a political writing contest. 1500-3500 word essays. Cash prizes. Deadline December 31.

Science Fiction and the Medical Humanities is accepting short science fiction stories with a theme of health and medicine. Up to 3000 words. Cash prizes. Deadline February 29.

Are you ready for next week? Got any big plans? Any of these links of use to you? Anything to share? How's your writing going?

May you find your Muse.


Nick Wilford said...

Some pretty cool SF links there! Thanks.

Traci Kenworth said...

More good!! As always, many thanks!!

klahanie said...

Hey Shannon,

Somehow I managed to crawl over to your site. A political writing contest sounds intriguing. I should let Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar check that out. She's an expert on um, "pawlitics"!

What's happening next week? :) I have my usual big plan of staying online most of the day on December 25 and be there for others who might need a chat.

Take care, Shannon.


Shannon Lawrence said...

They're starting to pop up again. A lot of things are out for the count during Christmas.

Shannon Lawrence said...


Shannon Lawrence said...

I'm glad you're able to do that, Gary.