Wednesday, September 24, 2014

These Are Not Fish & Links

About two weeks ago, we took our kiddos to the Denver Aquarium. There are a bunch of interesting fish at the aquarium, but there are also creatures who have nothing whatsoever to do with what one might expect at an aquarium. Here are a couple examples:

Yes, there are tigers at the Denver Aquarium. I'm not certain how I feel about that. 

Now for some links!

Accepting Submissions:

Midnight Breakfast is open for submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and interviews. 1000-10,000 words. Open to all genres, but prefer literary and speculative. Pays $50. If you specifically want to submit to the October issue, the theme is "breaking down the barriers between the real and the unreal." The deadline for this issue is September 26. Otherwise, there is no deadline. opens for short stories and poetry in the speculative fiction genres September 30. It is preferred for stories to be below 12,000 words. Pays $.25/word for the first 5000 words, $.15/word for the next 5000, and $.10/word for all after that. They also have nonfiction specifications on the website, including blog posts.

Horrified Press is looking for submissions for their Malevolent Mansion anthology and their Something in the Woods anthology. Flash fiction, poetry, short stories. 2000-4000 words. Deadline October 30. Pays royalties. Not interested in these two themes? They appear to still have others open, so scan the page for more chances.

Chicken Soup for the Soul closes for submissions to Hope and Miracles on October 30 and Thanks to my Mom October 20. 1200 words or less. Pays $200 per piece.

Cohesion Press is seeking short stories for Blurring the Line. They want horror that blurs the lines between fiction and non-fiction. 5000 words or less. Deadline October 31. Pays $.08/word AUS.

World Weaver Press has two open anthology calls: Corvidae and Scarecrow. Speculative fiction. Up to 7500 words. Payment is $10 and a copy of the anthology. 

FireGoat Books is seeking holiday and winter tales for their Solstice Special Collection. No horror. Flash fiction and short stories between 500 and 6000 words. Deadline October 31. Pays $10.

Sixpenny Magazine wants your pocket sized stories. Engaging literary fiction. Six minute read/1000 words. Deadline October 31. Pays $100. It appears your story will be animated.

Blog Stuff:

The WEP September Challenge will have the theme Changing Faces. To occur September 24-26. While it has already started, you can still sign up. Write 1000 words or less of flash fiction, poetry, or non-fiction, or post photos and artwork. All must meet the theme. All genres accepted.

Tara Tyler, Heather M. Gardner, Christine Rains, Vikki Biram, CD Coffelt, M.J. Fifield, Elizabeth Seckman, Rena Rocford are putting on the Shelfie Blog Hop now through October 6. You're asked to photograph you and your books. They can be books you've published or just your favorites. The more you share your Shelfie, the more chances you have to win the bundle of books in the Rafflecopter.

Do you have an aquarium? Does it only hold fish (and other water creatures) or do you have extra critters there? Any of these links of interest to you? Anything to add? Publishing news?

May you find your Muse.


Anonymous said...

Did you know that groups can make arrangements to spend the night at the Aquarium? Sleeping on the floor in front of the shark tank with 15 Girl Scouts--that's a horror story waiting to be written. But the coolest part was that the girls got to feed the pirrahnas the next morning.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I haven't visited an aquarium since my kids were small. We went a few times to the one in Baltimore. Why the tiger?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tigers are one of the few cats who like to swim. Although that's stretching the aquarium connection.

cleemckenzie said...

Interesting to find a tiger at an aquarium. Wondering about that.

I don't have an aquarium, but I have two ponds. We have fish, of course, frogs in the spring and tons of critters that visit for a drink of kind of fishy water.

Andrew Leon said...

Well, tigers do swim...

John Wiswell said...

So how are they justifying tigers being at an aquarium? As a kid, I remember an aviary exhibit for a month at one aquarium, but that was it for not-aquatic critters.

Anonymous said...

A tiger at an aquarium? Never heard of that before.

Shannon Lawrence said...

M.B., I want to feed the piranha!

Susan, No idea. Also, I've been to the Baltimore Aquarium! Used to live in Maryland.

Alex, that's true. There's a wild animal sanctuary up north, and the tigers love to frolic in the water.

Lee, I don't see nearly enough frogs.

Andrew, they do, definitely. And they probably eat fish. Helpful if you have an exhibit you want to change up.

John, I'm not sure. A friend mentioned it used to be a different place and said something about them having kept a bunch of the animals from the previous place. I need to ask her for more details.

Susanne, neither had I!