Wednesday, July 3, 2024



Well, guys, the promised post about what exactly happened with Square and the launch of my new website will have to wait a month. I totally ran out of time to get my post ready for today, and didn't clock out of work until after 4 AM this morning, so it wasn't going to happen then. I'm posting this super late (3:00 PM), so will make it quick.

This week's question is about what writing software we use. I mostly work with Word, but I do have Scrivener for novel writing on my Mac (I use a non-Mac laptop for my daily work and for short stories). Then I use Vellum for formatting novels/non-fiction. For my short story collections, I use Word and format manually there, because I prefer to have the title of the short story at the top of the pages, and Vellum so far doesn't have the capability to switch that header. Basically, with Vellum you get your name and the book title automatically on the top of the pages. I'd love for them to get the capability to adjust that for collections, as it's generally thought that collections/anthologies should have the short title over it.

As for why I didn't have a chance to write my post in a timely fashion, I was on vacation with my family last week! We went to the Oregon coast, one of my favorite places in the world. I lived in Salem from about 10 months old to 7 1/2 years old, and a lot of my family and family friends are scattered around the state. We stayed at Devil's Lake in an Air BnB. It was so lovely and peaceful. We hit Newport, Depoe Bay, Cannon Beach, Lincoln City, and Astoria. Plus, we got to see the wreck of the Peter Iredale and visit the aquarium in Newport. It was a much needed break, and the first time I've taken a vacation since taking my current job where I didn't sign into work even once! I also made the executive decision to not crack open my laptop the entire time I was there. Not even for writing! I don't regret it. We got home around 4 AM Sunday morning and work has been me playing a week's worth of catch up in three days, because I'm not working this Thursday or Friday. So yeah, no time!

Here are some pics:

This has been an IWSG (Insecure Writer's Support Group) post. Anyone can join by clicking on Alex J. Cavanaugh's name and signing up. We do this the first Wednesday of every month. 

Have you ever been to the Oregon coast? What's your favorite city there?

May you find your Muse.




Leigh Caron said...

Glad you made it to IWSG blog day. You gotta be pooped. Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sounds like a good excuse for not posting earlier. Looks like you had fun.

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

Those are some neat pictures! I especially like the one with you next to Big Foot! Which reminds me, I've been reading your Windigo Nights novel and so far it's been pretty neat!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Having lived in Oregon, I've been to most of those places! And I lived in Salem from age 4 to 19.

Fundy Blue said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time in Oregon, Shannon. Happy 4th!

Loni Townsend said...

Nice vacation! That's awesome! I totally understand the time it takes to catch up after adventures.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

For someone who's lived pretty much all my life up and down the west coast, I've spent very little time on the Oregon coast! Had a wonderful time with friends in Newport Beach a year ago last March, though.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Great Shannon - so pleased you had time away and a really good break. I've been to Vancouver Island and been taken down into what is now called the Salish Sea - where the Pig War occurred in 1859. Love that photo of you ... and the others ... cheers Hilary

Natalie Aguirre said...

It sounds like a wonderful vacation. I'm glad you didn't open your laptop and enjoyed all the fun.

J.S. Pailly said...

Sometimes even writers need a good, long break from writing. I'm glad you took some time off and enjoyed your vacation.

Thanks for what you said about Vellum. I'm kind of looking for software to help me format my stuff. It's weird that they don't let you change the header. Hopefully that gets fixed. In the meantime, I'm glad to know about that issue.

Lynn said...

I grew up in southern California. Each summer we'd go camping along the northern California and Oregon coast. Loved the red woods! Although, I think the groves are just south of Oregon.

Great photo of you and Big Foot.

Tara Tyler said...

yay for vacay!
curious about square??
i havent used it in ages but was hoping to at upcoming event...

i will tune in again!
happy july!
tara tyler