Now for some links (I'm going to have to apologize, because this is going to be a loooong list due to my not having done this last week, and to my finding so very many things with deadlines of 5/31).
Writer Beware:
Stant Litore, author of The Zombie Bible series, posted a writer beware about Anthony (Tony) Giangregorio and his presses: UnDead Press, Open Casket Press, and Living Dead Press. Please read the post (it's not long) and always do your best to research any publication you're submitting to. (Please feel free to pass his post along, as well, so writers are warned).
Free E-books:
Petronela Ungureanu has made her book Lost in the Seven Worlds available free on Amazon Kindle for the next two days in celebration of the upcoming release of her second novel.
Fellow Colorado Springs writer, John K. Patterson, is offering his short story, Escaping, free on Amazon Kindle, also in celebration of an upcoming release.
Vocabula is hosting their annual Well-Written Writing Contest. 200-500 words. Deadline is May 31, but the next year's contest begins June 1 (with a deadline of May 31, 2014), so there's no need to scramble. Fiction and non-fiction accepted. No poetry. $200 first prize.
The Wolfe Pack is holding a contest for the Black Orchid Novella Award. Must conform to the tradition of the Nero Wolfe series. 15,000-20,000 words. $1000 first prize, along with publication in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. May 31 deadline.
Critique My Novel's 2013 Novel Writing Contest is taking entries until June 1. First prize is 2 agents reading your novel and commenting on it (they have the option to offer representation), $350 cash, $100 voucher toward a full critique, and Writing the Breakout Novel, by Donald Maass, along with the workbook.
Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers is holding their annual Colorado Gold Writing Contest. First prize is $100. They've got a great lineup of judges. Deadline is June 1. $30 entry fee per entry.
Accepting Submissions:
ChiZine Publications is putting out an anthology entitled Fearful Symmetries, to be edited by Ellen Datlow. THE Ellen Datlow!!! Deadline is May 31. Horror and supernatural fiction. Short stories up to 10,000 words, but 7,500 or less preferred. Pays 7 cents per word.
Acappella Zoo is taking submissions for their fall issue. They accept fiction, poetry and black & white artwork. Pays with a submission copy, plus they choose best entries to receive a cash prize. Deadline May 31.
Wordrunner echapbooks is seeking poetry for their quarterly online collection. Current deadline May 31. They ask that you submit a minimum of 15 pieces, maximum of 24.
One Story is seeking short stories between 3,000 and 8,000 words. Deadline May 31. Pays $250 and 25 contributor copies. Any genre/subject.
The Gettysburg Review, published quarterly, is closing their submission window May 31 (to be reopened in September). Seeking poetry, fiction and essays. They also take submissions of full-color graphics year-round. Pays $2.50 per line for poetry, $30 per printed page for prose. Each get a contributor copy and a 1-year subscription.
Weave Magazine is seeking short and flash fiction. Submissions close May 31 and reopen September 1. Pays with a contributor copy.
Evil Girlfriend Media is accepting novel submissions in a variety of horror, supernatural, speculative, and fantasy genres. They're also seeking short story submissions for their anthology, Stamps, Vamps & Tramps. Pays $20, plus one contributor copy for the anthology pieces.
Medusa's Laugh Press is seeking pieces for two anthologies: Cadavre Exquis (fiction and poetry, up to 2000 words) and Miniature Book Micro Text (fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, up to 1000 words). Deadline is June 3. Pays with a contributor copy.
Anything to share? Interested in any of these, specifically? Are the bunnies breeding like...bunnies...around you these days?
May you find your Muse.
Stant Litore, author of The Zombie Bible series, posted a writer beware about Anthony (Tony) Giangregorio and his presses: UnDead Press, Open Casket Press, and Living Dead Press. Please read the post (it's not long) and always do your best to research any publication you're submitting to. (Please feel free to pass his post along, as well, so writers are warned).
Free E-books:
Petronela Ungureanu has made her book Lost in the Seven Worlds available free on Amazon Kindle for the next two days in celebration of the upcoming release of her second novel.
Fellow Colorado Springs writer, John K. Patterson, is offering his short story, Escaping, free on Amazon Kindle, also in celebration of an upcoming release.
Vocabula is hosting their annual Well-Written Writing Contest. 200-500 words. Deadline is May 31, but the next year's contest begins June 1 (with a deadline of May 31, 2014), so there's no need to scramble. Fiction and non-fiction accepted. No poetry. $200 first prize.
The Wolfe Pack is holding a contest for the Black Orchid Novella Award. Must conform to the tradition of the Nero Wolfe series. 15,000-20,000 words. $1000 first prize, along with publication in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. May 31 deadline.
Critique My Novel's 2013 Novel Writing Contest is taking entries until June 1. First prize is 2 agents reading your novel and commenting on it (they have the option to offer representation), $350 cash, $100 voucher toward a full critique, and Writing the Breakout Novel, by Donald Maass, along with the workbook.
Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers is holding their annual Colorado Gold Writing Contest. First prize is $100. They've got a great lineup of judges. Deadline is June 1. $30 entry fee per entry.
Accepting Submissions:
ChiZine Publications is putting out an anthology entitled Fearful Symmetries, to be edited by Ellen Datlow. THE Ellen Datlow!!! Deadline is May 31. Horror and supernatural fiction. Short stories up to 10,000 words, but 7,500 or less preferred. Pays 7 cents per word.
Acappella Zoo is taking submissions for their fall issue. They accept fiction, poetry and black & white artwork. Pays with a submission copy, plus they choose best entries to receive a cash prize. Deadline May 31.
Wordrunner echapbooks is seeking poetry for their quarterly online collection. Current deadline May 31. They ask that you submit a minimum of 15 pieces, maximum of 24.
One Story is seeking short stories between 3,000 and 8,000 words. Deadline May 31. Pays $250 and 25 contributor copies. Any genre/subject.
The Gettysburg Review, published quarterly, is closing their submission window May 31 (to be reopened in September). Seeking poetry, fiction and essays. They also take submissions of full-color graphics year-round. Pays $2.50 per line for poetry, $30 per printed page for prose. Each get a contributor copy and a 1-year subscription.
Weave Magazine is seeking short and flash fiction. Submissions close May 31 and reopen September 1. Pays with a contributor copy.
Evil Girlfriend Media is accepting novel submissions in a variety of horror, supernatural, speculative, and fantasy genres. They're also seeking short story submissions for their anthology, Stamps, Vamps & Tramps. Pays $20, plus one contributor copy for the anthology pieces.
Medusa's Laugh Press is seeking pieces for two anthologies: Cadavre Exquis (fiction and poetry, up to 2000 words) and Miniature Book Micro Text (fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, up to 1000 words). Deadline is June 3. Pays with a contributor copy.
Anything to share? Interested in any of these, specifically? Are the bunnies breeding like...bunnies...around you these days?
May you find your Muse.